
I want a space to document my writing journey; from the ups and downs, to the existential crisis’s, I want to record ALL OF IT. Along with all that fun, I (of course) want to talk about books, because they are a pretty huge influence on my writing.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy looking around my site, and if you want to follow me on other social media,  check out my Twitter and Instagram!

Thanks for visiting my site, and happy reading guys!!

While you’re already here, why not check this links out?

Multiple Cards with information, petitions, and places to donate for issues happening around the world: https://allcards.carrd.co/

I also have my BS in Business Administration (Marketing) through the University of Colorado and will be finishing my MS in Professional Writing through NYU in August! I have a website featuring my school projects and freelance work, if you want to check it out! Visit: https://erinfreelancewriting.com/